wild lettuce


This backyard baby is ignored, stepped over, and pulled out all the time, But did you know, she’s also an incredible medicinal plant that has been used for centuries, with the epic capability to not only ease pain but also to calm the nervous system and relax us?

Lactuca virosa and lactuca serriola are two common wild lettuce that both have the same actions.

The latex within the fresh plant material is called lactucarium and this is what we are after when making an extract of wild lettuce.

This fantastic ally works well for acute pain during menstruation, migraines as well as general aches and pains as she is anti-inflammatory. It helps us sleep because it is relaxing to the mind and body without upsetting the digestive system like other medicines. If we have an overactive nervous system, mind, or anxiety this ally can help.

Other uses for wild lettuce include Respiratory health as she can calm down inflamed lungs and bronchial tubes so she is particularly helpful with bronchitis, asthma, and whooping cough.

fresh wild lettuce

We only use fresh harvested wild lettuce when making our tinctures. This is how we maintain the most potent herbal extracts possible.



