
Galium aparine

edible and medicinal

When it comes to plants that offer us both medicinal value as well as being a food, Cleavers doesn’t disappoint! This wonderful ally in the Rubiaceae family is not only rich in vitamins and minerals, various alkaloids, and flavonoids, but she is also a fantastic medicinal.

Early spring when she is first showing up just happens to be the perfect time to begin harvesting for medicine. During the winter, we may have been a little bit slower than usual, maybe eating holiday treats, having less time in the sun, or being less active. Cleavers comes along right on time to get our sluggish lymphatic system up and moving after those long winter months. She is also amazing for the kidneys, and nervous system, and as a blood purifier.

Cleavers eases congestion of swollen lymph glands and really helps our bodies eliminate toxins. The lymphatic and diuretic properties do not stick around once Cleavers is dry, so it is important to make Tincture with only fresh plant material. Dry, she does maintain some vitamins and minerals and can be used to make an infused oil for topical use. Cleavers is great for eczema, psoriasis, and other skin conditions including as a face wash for clear skin, and for burns.

fresh cleavers tincture


Wild Lettuce