OUR Roots
The Healing Journey has Begun
When the sun peeks through the tops of the trees and you can feel the roots beneath you. When the call of The Mother Earth can no longer be denied. When you can feel how everything is connected and the energy pulls you, and you are no longer only you, but you are everything and everything is you…
The Healing Journey has Begun.
I remember the first time I felt connected to nature. I was running through the tall grass, barefoot, and wearing a little sun dress my mother had made. It was sunny and everything seemed bright and sparkling. I could feel the warm air on my skin and the earth under my feet. There were no thoughts, only bliss. I was completely at peace and there was nothing else. Just me, the earth, the air, the plants and my little sun dress. I was connected to everything and everything was a part of me. Then something happened. As I ran barefoot in the tall grass, I stepped on a bee. The sting hit hard like a lightening strike. I fell to the ground and cried out. My uncle came running and before I knew it he was mashing up flowers with some mud and rubbed it into my foot. That was it. I was feeling better and back to it. I wouldn’t know it then, but this would have a profound effect on me later.
Later on, as an adult. that was the place I would strive to get back to. But, as with any story, life had been altered. For a very long time there was a struggle to get back to my roots. Not necessarily my family roots, but my physical Roots. To feel the pull of the Earth in my physical body and to know that Energetic connection that is always there, just waiting to be remembered.
There is a long story here. Not just for me but for us. We all have a story. Full of pains and longings, mixed with love and joy, fear and anxiety, disconnection and realignment. My story is full of all these things and more. For many years I made poor decisions about my health and well being. I suffered traumas that went deep. I struggled with addiction and chased the pain into a darkness I couldn’t see a way out of. So I numbed it and ignored it until the pain got so great, that I made a decision. A decision to seek out that “light at the end of the tunnel”, grasp it and Hold Fast. I knew that everything was about to change and I embraced it.
I tell you these things to be as honest as possible with you all. To show you that ANYONE can begin their healing journey form anywhere they are in life. I am here to tell you that we all have the power to heal ourselves and live the most beautiful life.
I have been so lucky over these many years to meet the most beautiful humans and learn some life-changing Healing modalities that I use daily to enhance my life and the lives of others. I became a Reiki Master/Teacher, Meditation teacher and got back to my roots as an Herbalist so that I can pass what I know onto others. I have reconnected and aligned myself with the Mother Earth and the Energy of the Universe. I am here to share what I have learned, so that the Healing Energy can flow out from me to the Earth and her people and so that you may send it out too. Like the pebble in the pond, rippling out to cover more and more space.
We, collectively, can change the World. We can help each other, heal each other.