Garden Sage

Salvia Officinalis

A perennial herb in the lamiaceae (mint) family with grayish-green leaves, woody stems, and purplish flowers. This low shrub grows wide, loves cool weather planting, and can be grown in containers or directly in the garden with plenty of sunlight.

Garden Sage is easy to grow and is excellent for companion planting, and is both a culinary and a medicinal herb.

This highly aromatic lady is a strong antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antimicrobial herb with uses including, skin rash and candida, mouth infections and sores, sore throat, colds and cough, sinus infections, and more. She is astringent and drying and can be used as a skin wash, mouth wash, gargle, tea, and tincture.

Garden Sage is excellent for any issues related to digestion, including gas, lack of appetite, diarrhea, heartburn, and bloating. She has been used to dry up lactation, so not for use with nursing mothers.

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Packed with vitamins, minerals, and polyphenols, this plant delivers a lovely boost of antioxidants to the body. Garden Sage also contains rosmarinic, chlorogenic, caffeic, ellagic, and rutin acids, which have imressive heath benifits such as lowering the risk of cancer, and improved memory and brain function. Studies have shown that taking Sage internally has significantly increased antioxidant defenses as well as lowered LDL cholesterol and raised HDL cholesterol.



