Nepeta Cataria



A member of the Lamiaceaea family with a square stem and soft leaves that are slightly fuzzy. She creeps around the garden or in the wild, spreading herself around. She loves sunlight, well draining soil, and regular watering. This highly aromatic lady is packed with volatile oils and loves to show off her gorgeous blooms in summertime and that is the time for even more potent medicine! When she blooms, she can be cut back which will give her the opportunity to regrow and bloom again. This is a wonderful thing in the herbalism world, because that means more epic medicine!



Catnip, like other mints, is fantastic for treating indigestion, stomach cramping, and nausea, and it is gentle enough for children, especially when it comes to tummy aches and colic. It is also fantastic for things like anxiety and calming our monkey minds, and helping us sleep. Catnip has long been used to treat many ailments of the mind and body. It can be used topically, internally and can even be smoked!


Nettleleaf Horsemint


Lemon Balm