Reiki- A beginning

My goal with this blog is to share my journey. To put as much free information out there as possible to help others on their own healing journeys and if something I write helps only one person, then that is enough for me.

I am definitely a searcher. A seeker, and a researcher. It is something I am passionate about and any time I hear or see something that resonates with me, I jump in and learn all I can. I dig deep and see if it is right for me. How do I know if something is right for me? I ask. I sit with it and open myself up to receive. This may not happen right away. I may be walking in the sand, driving, or even folding laundry, but eventually, I end up receiving a message that Yes indeed, something is really resonating with my soul.

One day I was having a conversation about Energy and healing with my first teacher. We went just a little deep into the conversation about it and I remember feeling intrigued by it all, and somehow, already understanding some of what we discussed. As if I had already learned it. I was like, hey, this is so familiar, and it was sort of like deja vu, only it wasn’t just on the surface of my mind. It was like I already knew. A few days later I was in the car on my way to find a bookstore I heard about that sounded super cool. So I’m following directions and cruising down the 101 when all of a sudden I got this sensation in the palms of my hands. Like there were these soft blue flames coming out of the palms of my hands and it was so intense that I didn’t want to hold them against the steering wheel. Like I didn’t want to smother the flames. It was such a trip and I immediately called my teacher and described what was happening. Her first words were, “Oh, that’s just your Reiki, I was wondering when you were going to notice it”. Now, that stopped me dead, and I was like, Oh, yeah, that is “right”. I knew immediately that that was the truth. Once again, that inner knowing, or message that comes through. I got goosebumps (what I like to call “truth-bumps”) all over me. After we hung up, I continued on and found the bookstore. It was such a surreal feeling that came over me, but I just kept on my way thinking I had to revisit all this later. I found my little bookstore, parked, and got out. When I walked it, it seemed like a neat place, but I wasn’t overly impressed. The place was deserted, the espresso machine was broken, and the young man behind the counter was a bit detached. So I wandered around a bit, looking at this shelf and that, just unimpressed. I stood in the middle of the room, surrounded by bookshelves, and out loud I said, “why am I here”? I looked straight ahead, directly at one shelf, walked straight to it, reached up, and with my fingertips, pinched this tiny blue pamphlet-looking thing and slowly slid it out from between two books. It was a completely blank cover except for a raised Japanese symbol, the same color as the page. I was like, oh my goodness, I know this. What is it?? But I already knew, for sure, no doubt, that THIS is why I came in here. It was a 1985 publication of The Usui System of Natural Healing. Reiki. Now, I don’t know about you, but for me, this was a “Holy Shit” moment. A moment where all of the little hairs on my body stood on end and a prickling sensation went up the back of my neck, and I knew life was about to change. I swiftly walked up to the counter with a sense of urgency that I had to buy this book now. As if someone might see it and say, no no, this wasn’t for sale or some crazy thing like that. I laugh at myself. It was like some secret thing was going on that I needed to look at.

I bounced out of that store and could not wait to share what just happened with my teacher. When the Universe wants you to hear/see something, it really shows you! Today I treasure this little publication and take great care of it. It was a huge kickstart on my Reiki Journey. Interestingly enough, I found out when I was attuned to Reiki, that my lineage is Usui and that is the Reiki path I follow, yet make my own, to this day.

When I decided that my life seemed as though something was missing, I knew I needed something. To have some sort of spiritual connection. I sat with myself in meditation to seek an answer. I was only quiet in Meditation. I didn’t think about what I wanted, I just listened. Today, this is a similar process I use regularly. Sometimes I ask and listen, sometimes I just listen. Either way, I receive guidance in a way that feels right to me. I see things, I feel yeses from the Universe. I stay tuned in to that inner knowing, and it just never steers me wrong in any way. I am everything and everything is me. I am connected.


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